Experiencing the Bail Out Pains & Needs
I was at Target Bayfair in San Leandro today, shopping with my children when we suddenly heard loud shouting at the register area. A lone male voice resonated above myriad other voices and then starting screaming explicitives and refusing to be arrested. Not knowing excatly what was happening, yet feeling the tension in the store ambience and population, found myself wondering if that moment was merely the first in what could become almost an apocalyptic sort of reoccuring shopping/shoplifting/arresting scene to be replayed and experienced again and again in the expanding and deepening pain, depression and chaos of the continually emerging financial melt-down black-hole ceasing our nation.
On the way home we were stopped at the light at MacArthur Blvd and High Street in Oaklan
Maybe I'm speaking like a crazed or mistaken Cassandra, yet I still find myself haunted by these two experiences as the day closes.
I do not believe you are crazed or mistaken... it's a scary reality and will be/is humbling to be a witness to the series of events unfolding before our eyes.
I keep noticing closing store fronts and new foreclosure "for sale" signs on houses throughout Oakland. yikes
Here in Portland too! Everyday. Scary.
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