Friday, March 21, 2008

Reading Large Chunks of Scripture
Day 13/15

Today's chunk tells of the last day of freedom of Jesus. He spends it talking of what he's always one another as he loves, blessed are the peacemakers, love your enemies, whatever you do to the least of these you have done to him. He shows that it's not just words, but the essence of life, not just idle talk but his consistent walk - for he loves his enemy who will sell him out, shows mercy to the dearest of friends who will abandon and deny him, shows unconditional love for a woman who can read the signs in the heavens of what is to happen.

Jesus' teaching on love, relationships, the notion of community (who's in and who's out), service, mutuality, and solidarity and deeply powerful. It's not just a speech but an interactive discussion, not just a personal ethos but an invitation to radical participation in a new emerging community, it's much more like Wii than the Atari 2400 (check out the Mission Bay Church page and Easter invite to get the last one). How are we participating? How are we "living" this dream or a beloved community in which we are known, and know not only each other, but also the loving God and ourselves as we truly are?

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