Friday, April 04, 2008

Thoughts on Resurrection

I'm getting this bulletin together for worship this Sunday at the church I serve, reflecting on the scripture Luke 24:13-35 and the after-the-fact experience of the resurrection. Found this great prayer we're using Sunday that I thought I'd share...then I went youtubing and found a great video on the resurrection. Don't know where it comes from, but like it - cool flash backs to scripture stories as the resurrection unfolds.

God of Easter hope, grant us the courage to believe in your resurrection miracles. Forgive us when we fall into despair or blindness. Give us new eyes to truly see you walking with us, standing beside us, living in our neighborhoods, and speaking through our friends and our enemies. Forgive us when we prefer simple answers to prophetic challenges. Forgive us when we cling to old, familiar ways, and refuse to see the extraordinary miracles you set before us. Open our eyes, that we might see you standing before us in your resurrected glory, proclaiming the miracle of life and love that never ends. Amen.

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