Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I %$*& Crocs!

So I wrote about the new school shoes for daughter #1 we bought this past weekend. What I didn't tell you was that we also bought a new pair (again favorite color but no sparkles) for daughter #2.

Today I opened Newsweek and saw a hilarious response to a funny article that appeared in this week's Newsweek. "What a Croc of Shoes" tells of the backlash that the author Steve Tuttle has received since he expressed his hatred of all things croc in the August 11th issue "Make It Stop: The case for ending our long national nightmare against crocs".

Are they really that bad? I don't have a pair ... but I'd assume (not that I'm on a fashion driven reality show or anything) that they must still be somewhat "in" if Nordstrom sells them. What do you think? How do you fill in the blanks in the following sentence: "I
%$*& Crocs!"


Corn Dog said...

I HATE THEM. My cousin sent me a pair and I gave them to my neighbors. My (ex) favorite running store now sells them. I refuse to shop there any more. I tried to shame people into not buying them by saying they're plastic and bad for the environment. Crocs recycles into plastic playgrounds for kids. Look at them. I think anyone over the age of 8 found in a pair of Crocs should have to do 1000 hours of community service in Oakland.

Monte said...

I think that She-Devil that drives for AC Transit should have to wear them for the rest of her life! What do you think?

Corn Dog said...

I agree. Though I must say the person I called back at AC Transit was very nice. I think She-devil picked me up yesterday and has had an attitude adjustment. She was all calm. At least I think it was her. Hard to say what she looks like. Mostly I just saw flying broom and dodged that.

Anonymous said...

This article completely made my day! Hilarious. I'm not sure my opinions on Crocs are quite this strong or refined, but I have to admit, I can't bring myself to purchase any!

Matt said...

I like them for what they were made...if that makes sense. They are nice for working around the yard and the house. Easy to wash off and dry fast. However, I also have found them nice for air travel as taking them on and off at security is easy and they are light. I kind of support those who want to where them wherever because I think the whole status thing connected to shoes is stupid.
So if they irk off all those people who judge people by the shoe they wear then I'm Loving crocs.

Monte said...

Never thought about air travel...they're like the only thing you don't have to take off.

I have a knock-off garden pair called (sloggers). I swear by them in the yard and around the house and chicken coop.

Maybe I should wear them to lead worship some Sunday and see what happens!?