Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Lent Reading Day 12
Anointing of Saul
1 Samuel 9:15-10:1

The Israelites clamor to be like everyone else, giving into to the peer pressure of fitting-in as an emerging nation in the ancient world, they beg God for a king to rule over them. They trade the direct relationship with God (through the priest Samuel) for one in which God rules them but through the power and presence of a human king.

As I read this story I wonder how Saul felt? I mean he doesn't seem to know that he is going to become king, and that Samuel has been instructed by God to annoint him to this newly created position in the Israelite community. How does it feel to hear "God wants you to be king." I wonder how it felt for Samuel to say it?

I'm struck by Saul's comment, "I'm only a Benjamite..." It seems to me that such a phrase shows up in nearly every major story of a transformational experience of God's presence and purpose in the Hebrew Scriptures. Abraham. Sarah. Moses. Hannah. Samuel. "But I'm only...." It's amazing how God transforms the humble "I'm only..." into something more.

"Samuel annointing Saul"

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