Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sacred Space: Mister Woods

OK, actually it's called Westminster Woods. Our youngest daughter E can't pronounce the full name, so she calls it "Mister Woods." It's a Presbyterian owned and operated camp and conference center just outside of Occidental, near Sebastopol in God's country aka West Sonoma County. We went as a church group last week to several simultaneous camps. Matt Prinz and I spoke together at the Central, or Junior High, Camp. It's a sacred space for me because it's where I met Kristy, discovered most of my deepest friendships in life, discovered who I am, claimed my gifts and first deeply encountered the integrative experience of living faith and living in community. No matter when I go: simply to swim for the afternoon, to attend a campfire, or to spend the week - it is a place of rejuvenation, rest, renewal - resurrection for me. As E says, "it's the best place in the world - there are so many trees and so much shade!!!!" I think chillin' with Chillie Willie at the Craft Shack always entices too.

Here's a slideshow of our week together there last week.


dbanoff said...

A lot of cute kids, mine included. Thanks for the photos, Monte.

Monte said...

great photos. i'm working on a video - the kids all posed for it at so many events. hope to finish it, with energizer music, by the end of the week and will post asap.