Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Lent Reading Day 31
Calming the Storm:

Earlier in Mark 4 we learn that Jesus has been teaching the crowds all day. No doubt tired physically and exhausted mentally he sets off with his disiples to cross the Sea of Galilee. Then this storm comes up. The disciples complain and are conviced of impending death, yet we're given the picture of Jesus sleeping (serenly?) on the deck of the boat (which wasn't a titanic ocean cruiser but rather most likely a small wooden fishing craft) in the midst of the storms that arise suddenly and sweep of the Sea of Galilee even today.

I'm not sure what would have most scared me had I been there: the violent and sudden strength of the storm, or the spookey slumber of the person that I called master. Then Jesus awakes and rises and confronts both the storm and the disciples with "Peace. Be Still!" Calming the waves. Silencing the wind. Confronting the anxiety and doubt of the disciples. Inviting them to be centered as opposed to chaotic in what they've been experiencing all day long. As I read this today I hear the words of Isaiah 30:15 in the background of this story, "Thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: ' In returning and rest you shall be saved; n quietness and in trust shall be your strength.'"

It's like Jesus is speaking directly to us, to me in the conclusion of this part of the chapter..."Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Fear that we have to actually save ourselves, because no one else ever pulls us up by our bootstraps all the time. Faith that good will prevail, that we're meant for blessing, that what we put our faith in won't let us down, that this man from Nazareth might not just be talking about the truth, but might just actually be the truth.

"Storm on Galilee" by Rembrandt

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