Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Lent Reading Day 27

The Widow’s Mite:
Mark 12:41-44

GENEROSITY. What is it? I think we all tend to believe that we're generous with our time, our efforts, our money, and our life-energy. Yet how do we know what is really generous. In this parable the one who thinks that he's so generous, faithful and righteous is the fool. It's the person who seemingly has nothing that is the one held up as the example to emulate. How often do we fool ourselves? I hear Jesus saying that it's not some sort of Marxist-revolution thing he's up to - he's not just against the rich and for the poor ... it's deeper. He wants to invite and challenge people to be generous with God, each other and themselves starting from and with what God has given. What does that mean for our wealth as a nation in the midst of the larger world population on planet earth?

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