Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Lent Reading Day 18
Test of Solomon’s Wisdom:
1 Kings 3:3-28

Today's scripture story tells of King Solomon asking for wisdom from God and then the most famous example of his wisdom in resolving a problem within his kingdom. Two mothers. One dead baby. One living baby. Who's is who's? Who is lying? Who is telling the truth. Solomon wise reply is both horrifying and smart beyond imagination. He knows the hearts of the women as mothers. He knows how to recognize true life-giving love is like. He accepts the truthfulness and honesty of what are our limits and strengths as human beings in relationship with each other, ourselves and with the living God.

As I mediate on the story I wonder what is the God given wisdom that this passage might be birthing in me, in our church community, or calling us to discover as a community of faith? Where in my life, where in our church life (our mission, our purpose, our established - or traditional - identity) are we stuck...insisting on holding on to the past, the familar, or the easy-answers in the face of the massive cultural change and general transformation happening all around us? Where am I - where are we - insisting that both babies die...because we lost ours? What am I - what are we - so attached to that we refuse to give it up in order to accept the past, live fully in the present NOW moment, and receive something new in the coming-to-us present?

"Judgement of Solomon" by He Qi, China

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