Saturday, June 21, 2008

General Assembly 2008 of the PC(USA)
San Jose, California

I went today to support Bruce Reyes-Chow in the effort for him to stand and serve as moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Here's a short video interview of Rev. Tara Spuhler-McCabe of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church of Washington DC on why Bruce is the one to choose and elect as moderator.

I was struck working at his campaign table today by the conversations that happened. Many were the times that folks came to the table and said to - or even towards - Bruce: "Hi Bruce. We're already friends on facebook and it's nice to meet you in person." It struck me as a radically new way of relating to one another and building community. Not based on an old school, or old-boy network of hierarchical relationships and quid-pro-quo, but rather upon a decentralizing nexus of relationships and connections. Isn't that's what our culture, country and faith communities increasingly resemble and long to become? Something has to change in the way that the church community of faith works, how it expresses faith in and across the syntax of language, presence, witness and litrugical feast days/celebrations. How can we expect those that speak one cultural language to learn to speak another when it's not just a question of learning some new words but rather of living from and into a different worldview?

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