Thursday, August 21, 2008

Enjoying My Summer Garden
& Looking towards the Fall

My tomato crop is beginning and will shortly inundate us. I plant a lot of them, mostly heirloom (11 plants this year) as they're so good fresh from the garden and quickly get so pricey at the farmers' markets.
Here's a picture of some of the food I harvested & we enjoyed in our garden this past week.

10 tomatoes
Lot's of herbs: basil, parsley, sorrel & cilantro

about 2 pounds of green beans

2 dozen eggs (from our chickens)

apricots (frozen from late-June/early-July)

about 1/2 lb of blackberries

Our next round in the garden includes:



more tomatoes & green beans

A friend asked what they should be planting in terms of preparing a fall/winter garden.
I've planted broccoli & leeks so far. The lettuce I did was fried in the heat of the afternoon sun. Here's other stuff you can be planting now as the heat of the summer cools to fall:
lettuces, aragula, other greens


Brussel Sprouts



Herbs from seeds (I still can make them happen through October)





Here's a helpful site with a more extensive list, including planting dates & suggestions. (
Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County)

Here's a great article on "
growing your own greens" from

If you're doing an edible garden to reduce your carbon footprint, eat local, be victorious or just to have fun, what are you planting? Do you have any tips or suggestions?

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