Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Vacation Update
Who knew that Jersey is pretty?

We recently returned from a great vacation back East. Many have asked how it was, so I thought I'd share a few memories and an enlightening video.

Went for a wedding which was actually a never-to-forget martha stewart/bollywood production party banquet-fest
Shopped at the Playmobil mother ship store
Discovered that New Jersey is more than asphalt and traffic
Discovered the only Dry, Methodist, nearly church-run, gay, beach town to exist [Ocean Grove]
Sweated to the Oldies with Elmo and friends at Sesame Place
Gained 5 pounds visiting Deep Run
Survived the Hershey World of all things chocolate
Ate half a dozen cheesesteaks
Had Ice Cream every day - peach cobbler was the best!
Sat on the tarmac in the plane for over 6 hours before taking off (like most of America this summer)

In the midst of all of that we encountered this princess prefering boogie board goddess on the beach at Ocean Grove. My favorite highlight of the trip (next to the cheesesteaks!)

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