Blogging Towards Sunday, February 19th
Today’s passage is rather shocking and potentially embarrassing for it shows Jesus mouthing prejudice. His comments in verse 28 seem to affirm that God loves the Jews more than the Gentiles; that he has come not for everyone but only for his people. It’s embarrassing because it seems so –un-Jesus and also flies in the face of other scriptures and historic church affirmation about Jesus coming for all peoples, nations and languages. Does this racist Jesus change his mind? Is he won over by the theological argument of the woman?; convinced by her great faith?; or merely using her as a rhetorical device in order to expound upon his version of good news?
This peculiar story, recorded only here in Mark among the four gospels, points to the reality we face today. How do we interact with others? How do we approach not only racial and social class diversity in our faith communities, but how do we encounter those among us who have a different faith story, spiritual practice, or theological viewpoint? How are we as the church called to live in our world of today, but not of it? What is great faith? What does it look like?